Chattu, Vijay KumarAdisesh, AnilYaya, Sanni2021-09-212021-09-212020Chattu, V.K., Adisesh, A. & Yaya, S. Canada’s role in strengthening global health security during the COVID-19 pandemic. glob health res policy 5, 16 (2020). world is confronted by the current pandemic of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), which is a wake-up call for all nations irrespective of their development status or geographical location. Since the start of the century we have seen five big infectious outbreaks which proved that epidemics are no more regarded as historic and geographically confined threats. The Canadian government underlined that these infectious disease outbreaks are threats to global health security and disrupt societal wellbeing and development. In this context, the Public Health Agency of Canada is proactive and has shown its preparedness for outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases, and in dealing with these pathogens. Even before the declaration of pandemic, Canada has proved its global health leadership by ensuring collective action and multisectoral coordination which still remains a serious challenge especially for low and middle- income countries with existing poor health systems. In this article we discuss how Canada is addressing the global challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic through its leadership and practice of global health diplomacy.enCoronavirus outbreakCOVID-19PandemicEpidemicGlobal health securityCanadaPublic healthEpidemic curvePublic health emergency of international concernCanada’s role in strengthening global health security during the COVID-19 pandemicArticle