The University of the West IndiesThomas, Moya (anchor)Smith, Colin (correspondent)Orr, Carol (correspondent)Anthony, Kenny (interviewee)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Greaves-Sandy, Michael (correspondent)Woodruff, Yvette (interviewee)Hospedales, James (interviewee)Gordon, Warren (correspondent)2014-11-282014-11-281997-12-02CAR2462 Headlines (00:00-00:28)2. Political hostility runs high in Guyana with elections due in two weeks. Mr Norton is interviewed and Colin Smith reports (00:29-02:32)3. Violence mars nomination day activities in Jamaica (02:33-05:03)4. The current and former prime ministers of St. Lucia continue to do battle over a corruption inquiry. Prime Minister Kenny Anthony is interviewed (05:04-08:41)5. Research done by CAREC has revealed that 50% of teens are sexually active at age fifteen years and many of them are high risk candidate for HIV and many are giving birth to babies infected with the virus. Dr James Hospedales, Acting Director of CAREC and Yvette Woodruffe are interviewed (08:42-11:48)6. The mother of Joy Gardner has been granted legal aid in a bid to reopen the inquest into her daughter's death. Joy Gardner is an illegal immigrant from Jamaica who died after being bound and gagged by British police officers trying to deport her. Michael Greaves Sandy reports (11:49-13:04)7. FIFA has announced the top eight seeds for next year World Cup finals in France. Jamaica would soon find out the other countries they have to play in the first rounds. Warren Gordon reports (13:05-15:27)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 27 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationElections -- Guyana.Elections -- Jamaica.Corruption investigation -- Saint Lucia.Teenagers -- Sexual behaviour -- Caribbean Area.Deportation -- Britain.Illegal aliens -- Britain.Football -- Jamaica.Cricket -- West Indies.Nomination day -- Jamaica.Political hostility -- Guyana.Corruption inquiry -- Saint Lucia.HIV -- Caribbean Area.Gardner, Joy.World Cup.Lara, Brian.Caribbean Report 02-12-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.