The University of the West IndiesRansome, Debbie (anchor)Thomas, Moya (correspondent)Lewis, Lowell (interviewee)White, James (correspondent)Smith, Clifford (correspondent)Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)Orr, Carol (correspondent)Seaga, Edward (interviewee)Henry-Wilson, Maxine (interviewee)Lewis, Lowell (interviewee)2014-06-262014-06-261997-10-06CAR2421 Headlines (00:00-00:27)2. Tuberculosis and dengue warnings for the people of Montserrat from Britain's Chief Medical Officer Sir Kenneth Calman. Former Chief Medical Officer of Montserrat, Dr Lowell Lewis discusses the health report compiled by Sir Kenneth Calman and James White, Jr reports on how Montserratians are coping with the continued threat to their health. Dr. Lowell Lewis is interviewed Moya Thomas and James White, Jr report (00:28-06:01)3. A long standing argument among the European Union countires came to and end today with the compromised agreement on amending the trade and aid regime for Europe's overseas territories. This clears the way for aid allocation to these countries including British dependent territories in the Caribbean. Clifford Smith reports (06:02-07:46)4. Caribbean New Yorkers face the question of whether to stay or go. Leslie Goffe reports (07:47-10:10)5. Controversy over Jamaican plans for electronic voting. Edward Seaga of the Jamaica Labour Party, General Secretary of the Jamaica Labour Party, Maxine Henry-Wilson and D.K. Duncan, Campaign Co-ordinator of the National Democratic Party are interviewed. Carol Orr reports (10:11-13:13)6. Former Chief Medical Officer of Monserrat Dr Lowell Lewis meets with the Montserratian community in the United Kingdon. Dr Lowell Lewis is interivewed (13:14-15:23)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 23 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationHealth -- Montserrat.Non-self-governing territories.Illegal aliens -- United States.Electronic voting -- Jamaica.Assistance in emergencies -- Montserrat..Health conditions -- Montserrat.Dependent territories -- Britain.Caribbean New Yorkers.Immigrants -- United States.Elections -- Jamaica.Aid - Montserrat.Caribbean Report 06-10-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.