Sartelli, MassimoLabricciosa, Francesco MBarbadoro, PamelaPagani, LeonardoAnsaloni, LucaBrink, Adrian JCarlet, JeanKhanna, AshishChichom-Mefire, AlainCoccolini, FedericoDi Saverio, SalomoneMay, Addison KViale, PierluigiWatkins, Richard RScudeller, LuigiaAbbo, Lilian MAbu-Zidan, Fikri MAdesunkanmi, Abdulrashid KAl-Dahir, SaraAl-Hasan, Majdi NAlis, HalilAlves, CarlosAraujo da Silva, André RAugustin, GoranBala, MikloshBarie, Philip SBeltrán, Marcelo ABhangu, AneelBouchra, BelefquihBrecher, Stephen MCaínzos, Miguel ACamacho-Ortiz, AdrianCatani, MarcoChandy, Sujith JJusoh, Asri CCherry-Bukowiec, Jill RChiara, OsvaldoColak, ElifCornely, Oliver ACui, YunfengDemetrashvili, ZazaDe Simone, BelindaDe Waele, Jan JDhingra, SameerDi Marzo, FrancescoDogjani, AgronDorj, GereltuyaDortet, LaurentDuane, Therese MElmangory, Mutasim MEnani, Mushira AFerrada, PaulaEsteban Foianini, J.Gachabayov, MahirGandhi, ChinmayGhnnam, Wagih MGiamarellou, HelenGkiokas, GeorgiosGomi, HarumiGoranovic, TatjanaGriffiths, Ewen AGuerra Gronerth, Rosio IHaidamus Monteiro, Julio CHardcastle, Timothy CHecker, AndreasHodonou, Adrien MIoannidis, OrestisIsik, ArdaIskandar, Katia AKafil, Hossein SKanj, Souha SKaplan, Lewis JKapoor, GarimaKaramarkovic, Aleksandar RKenig, JakubKerschaever, IvanKhamis, FaryalKhokha, VladimirKiguba, RonaldKim, Hong BKo, Wen-ChienKoike, KaoruKozlovska, IrynaKumar, AnandLagunes, LeonelLatifi, RifatLee, Jae GLee, Young RLeppäniemi, AriLi, YoushengLiang, Stephen YLowman, WarrenMachain, Gustavo MMaegele, MarcMajor, PiotrMalama, SydneyManzano-Nunez, RamiroMarinis, AthanasiosMartinez Casas, IsidroMarwah, SanjayMaseda, EmilioMcFarlane, Michael EMemish, ZiadMertz, DominikMesina, CristianMishra, Shyam KMoore, Ernest EMunyika, AkutuMylonakis, EleftheriosNapolitano, LenaNegoi, IonutNestorovic, Milica DNicolau, David POmari, Abdelkarim HOrdonez, Carlos APaiva, José-ArturPant, Narayan DParreira, Jose GPędziwiatr, MichalPereira, Bruno MPonce-de-Leon, AlfredoPoulakou, GaryphalliaPreller, JacobusPulcini, CélinePupelis, GuntarsQuiodettis, MarthaRawson, Timothy MReis, TarcisioRems, MiranRizoli, SandroRoberts, JasonPereira, Nuno RRodríguez-Baño, JesúsSakakushev, BorisSanders, JamesSantos, NataliaSato, NorioSawyer, Robert GScarpelini, SandroScoccia, LoredanaShafiq, NusratShelat, VishalkumarSifri, Costi DSiribumrungwong, BoonyingSøreide, KjetilSoto, Rodolfode Souza, Hamilton PTalving, PeepTrung, Ngo TTessier, Jeffrey MTumbarello, MarioUlrych, JanUranues, SelmanVan Goor, HarryVereczkei, AndrasWagenlehner, FlorianXiao, YonghongYuan, Kuo-ChingWechsler-Fördös, AgnesZahar, Jean-RalphZakrison, Tanya LZuckerbraun, BrianZuidema, Wietse PCatena, Fausto2017-08-212017-08-212017-08-01World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2017 Aug 01;12(1):34 Background Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (ASPs) have been promoted to optimize antimicrobial usage and patient outcomes, and to reduce the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant organisms. However, the best strategies for an ASP are not definitively established and are likely to vary based on local culture, policy, and routine clinical practice, and probably limited resources in middle-income countries. The aim of this study is to evaluate structures and resources of antimicrobial stewardship teams (ASTs) in surgical departments from different regions of the world. Methods A cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted in 2016 on 173 physicians who participated in the AGORA (Antimicrobials: A Global Alliance for Optimizing their Rational Use in Intra-Abdominal Infections) project and on 658 international experts in the fields of ASPs, infection control, and infections in surgery. Results The response rate was 19.4%. One hundred fifty-six (98.7%) participants stated their hospital had a multidisciplinary AST. The median number of physicians working inside the team was five [interquartile range 4–6]. An infectious disease specialist, a microbiologist and an infection control specialist were, respectively, present in 80.1, 76.3, and 67.9% of the ASTs. A surgeon was a component in 59.0% of cases and was significantly more likely to be present in university hospitals (89.5%, p < 0.05) compared to community teaching (83.3%) and community hospitals (66.7%). Protocols for pre-operative prophylaxis and for antimicrobial treatment of surgical infections were respectively implemented in 96.2 and 82.3% of the hospitals. The majority of the surgical departments implemented both persuasive and restrictive interventions (72.8%). The most common types of interventions in surgical departments were dissemination of educational materials (62.5%), expert approval (61.0%), audit and feedback (55.1%), educational outreach (53.7%), and compulsory order forms (51.5%). Conclusion The survey showed a heterogeneous organization of ASPs worldwide, demonstrating the necessity of a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach in the battle against antimicrobial resistance in surgical infections, and the importance of educational efforts towards this goal.The Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery: defining a model for antimicrobial stewardship—results from an international cross-sectional surveyJournal Article2017-08-21enThe Author(s).