Anderson, Jacqueline A.2022-01-182022-01-1819801006 study sought to discover the effects of teacher expectations, pupils' perception of teachers, and parents' expectations, as well as self-concept and achievement motivation, on performance in the Secondary School Certificate (SCC) examination of selected Grade 11 Jamaican students. Results of the data analysis showed that: 1) there were significant differences between the male and female sub-groups on measures of academic self-concept (mathematics), self-esteem, and teachers' expectations regarding students' performance in mathematics; 2) the "expectations" variables correlated significantly with each other, as well as with the measure of achievement; and 3) the best predictors of the criterion measure, SSC Mathematics Achievement, were "Teacher Expectations (Mathematics)" and "Need for Achievement," while "Pupils' Perception of Teachers' Expectations (English)" and "Teachers' Expectations (English)" emerged as the best predictors of SSC English achievementAcademic achievementAn investigation of the effect of expectations and other related variables on the achievement of Grade 11 students in English and mathematicsM.Ed.