2010-03-042010-03-042010-03-04https://hdl.handle.net/2139/6105Colour: Coloured (painted); Style: Landscape; Other: Bordered, DividedAn East Indian family outside their grass hut. The man is standing with the child, who is naked, while the woman is engaged in a household task. The postcard is postmarked 1935 and addressed to Mrs. Pise of Morningside Drive, New York City, New York. Affixed to the card is a one and half d Trinidad and Tobago postage stamp.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsHuts--Trinidad and TobagoGrass huts--Trinidad and TobagoEast Indians--Trinidad and TobagoRural families--Trinidad and Tobago1935Dwellings--Trinidad and TobagoChildren--Trinidad and TobagoNudism--Trinidad and TobagoAjoupaIndian family outside their house, Trinidad-53Image