Kinyanjui, Peter2022-01-182022-01-181638 paper explores issues involved in establishing and supporting distance education in developing countries, focusing on the role of teleconferencing in support of distance learners. One of the distinctive features of an effective distance education system is the quality of its learner support services. The development of an efficient infrastructure through which support and face-to-face contacts can be provided is relatively expensive in financial terms and opportunity costs for the learner and the teacher. When cutbacks are needed, face-to-face contacts are usually the first to be reduced. The potential of teleconferencing for delivering this sort of support is apparent, but has not been fully tapped. In this respect, developing countries cannot afford to lag behind telecommunications advances. Some examples of effective teleconferencing use in Kenya, Namibia, Mauritius, the Solomon Islands, Guyana, and Brunei are givenDistance educationThe role of teleconferencing in support of distance education: The case for developing countries