The University of the West IndiesWhitehorne, Pat (anchor)Maples, John (interviewee)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Anyaoku, Emeka (interviewee)Robinson, A.N.R.Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)Gomez, Drexel (interviewee)Carrington, Edwin (interviewee)2014-10-302014-10-301990-09-19CAR0583 reports included at the end of the clip.1. Headlines (00:00-00:53)2. Britain announces a proposal for increase debt relief which will translate into the cancellation of $18 billion owed by the world’s poorest countries. Guyana is the only Caribbean country that will benefit from this initiative, as confirmed by John Maple, Economic Secretary of the Treasury of London, in an interview with Pat Whitehorne (00:54-04:21)3. The Commonwealth Finance Ministers meeting discusses the debt issue and concurs that more relief is needed for lower, middle income countries. A report by Debbie Ransome features comments from Emeka Anyaoku, Commonwealth Secretary General and ANR Robinson, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago (04:22-07:49)4. Financial News. Leslie Goffe reports on the bauxite production of Guyana (07:50-09:46)5. A twelve member team of the Caribbean Council of Churches will arrive in Guyana on Sunday to meet with the government and other members of the society. According to one of the visiting members Drexel Gomez, Anglican Bishop of Barbados, the objective of the visit is pastoral, fact-finding and advocacy (09:47-12:34)6. Calls for the new Caricom Commissioner, who will be appointed by the end of the month, to name member countries which comply and do not comply with the decisions of Caricom. Comments are given from Edwin Carrington, former ACP Secretary General, on the role and effectiveness of the future Caricom Commissioner (12:35-13:59)7. The English Test and County Cricket Board cancelled the rest days of the upcoming four test matches between the West Indies and England in order to offer spectators a greater opportunity to watch international cricket (14:00-14:56)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 56 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationDebt -- Caribbean AreaDebt cancellation -- GuyanaCaribbean Area -- Economic aspects -- BritainBauxite -- GuyanaMission of the church -- GuyanaCricket tournaments -- EnglandCaribbean Council of ChurchesCaricom CommissionerCaribbean Report 19-09-1990Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.