The University of the West IndiesGordon, Ken (anchor)Smith, Lew (correspondent)Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Smith, Colin (correspondent)Alllen-Young, Grace (interviewee)Salvalle, Olette (interviewee)2013-11-282013-11-281997-04-03CAR2289 is a high degree of uneasiness on Grenada’s industrial front as workers employed with the Canadian Company, Janin Construction have walked off the job. Next, St Lucia and the other Windward Islands plan to make their concerns over the future of bananas known to President Bill Clinton at a meeting of regional heads with the US leader next month. Next, there has been growing opposition in Guyana to the government’s renaming of the country international airport. In this segment, at least eighty five Haitian children have died after taking contaminated cough medicine imported from Europe. Officials say that medicines that are unacceptable in the developed world should not be made available in poorer countries. Next, Haiti is preparing for local government elections on Sunday. Interest in these elections are reported to be very low. However, the elections is considered very important in bringing authority to parts of the country where it is lacking. Finally, in cricket one of Trinidad and Tobago’s all-rounders have been named one of Wisden’s five cricketers of the year. This is on the basis of his outstanding all round performance in last year’s English Country Championships.1. Headlines (00:00-00:27)2. There has been strike trouble in Grenada. Lew Smith reports (00:28:03:52)3. Officials from St Lucia and the Windward Islands to meet with President Bill Clinton at a meeting of regional heads. Prime Minister of St Lucia, Dr Vaughn Lewis is interviewed. Pete Ninvalle reports (06:26-09:15)4. What's in a name? The quarrel over Guyana's airport. Colin Smith reports (06:26-09:15)5. Concerns over the export of contaminated medicines to developing countries. Jamaica's Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Grace Allen Young and Olette Salvalle are interviewed (09:16-12:24)6. Local government elections in Haiti (12:22-14:34)7. Phil Simmons, Trinidad and Tobago's all-rounder is named one of Wisden's five cricketers of the year (14:35-15:26)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 26 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationIndustrial unrest -- Grenada.Janin Construction -- Canada.Banana industry -- Caribbean Area.Banana industry -- St Lucia.Banana industry -- Windward Islands.Clinton, Bill.Timehri International Airport -- Guyana.Cheddi Jagan International Airport -- Guyana.Contaminated drugs -- Haiti.Local government elections -- Haiti.Simmons, Phil.English County Championships.Caribbean Report 03-04-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.