Näslund-Hadley, EmmaArcia, Gustavo2024-06-032024-06-032021-06https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352846163https://hdl.handle.net/2139/56772In 2011 the government designed and implemented a funding formula based on enrolment, poverty, and the proportion of disadvantaged students in school, with the goal of improving financial equity. Under the formula, some schools that used to receive above average funding would get their budget reduced. These schools were designated as Above Average Funding Schools and their grant amount was left untouched. Schools that would receive more funding under the formula were labeled Below Average Funding Schools, and the gap between their past funding and the funding determined by the formula would be closed incrementally over a period of seven years.en-USeducation financeformula fundingImproving Education Finance Equity in Belize through Formula FundingOther