The University of the West IndiesCrosskill, Hugh (anchor)Hunte, Julian (speaker)Hall, Wes (interviewee)Morgan, Peter (speaker)Jarvis, Mike (correspondent)Wrench, Stanley (interviewee)Bennendijk, Chandra van (correspondent)2019-10-092019-10-091992-11-20CAR1150 Headlines (00:00-00:31)2. St. Lucia’s opposition leader has called for a mass demonstration to coincide with next week’s visit of a delegation of British MPs. Julian Hunte says the aim of the protest will be to press home the case of Caribbean bananas and continued preferential access to the European market (00:32-02:04)3. The US and the European community have reached an agreement in their long running dispute over farm subsidies. The deal has lifted the threat of an international trade war and could pave the way for more wide ranging agreement under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (02:05-02:51)4. British policy towards the Caribbean will be the subject of a special debate in the House of Lords on Monday. It will be the first time that the Caribbean has ever been debated in the Lords and at least 11 peers are expected to speak. One of them will be Baroness Young, former Minister of Overseas Development (02:52-06:53)5. Barbados tourism minister Wes Hall has rejected criticisms levelled against the island’s Board of Tourism. The criticisms have been made by former Barbados Tourism Minister, Peter Morgan, who maintains that the Tourist Board suffers from weak leadership and other deficiencies that are hampering growth to the industry (06:54-11:20)6. Suriname’s former military dictator, General Desi Bouterse who led the coups in 1980 and 1990 has resigned as Commander of the Army. Mike Jarvis reports that Bouterse’s resignation comes in the wake of his repeated criticism of the democratically elected government. Comments made by Stanley Wrench, human rights activist (11:21-13:34)7. Suriname’s Parliament has been discussing the country’s proposed structural adjustment program which should have started on November 1st. However, the government only submitted the documents needed for the debate last week. Chandra van Binnendijk reports that the government must implement the program before year end or it could lose millions of dollars in Dutch aid (13:35-14:53)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 58 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationBanana trade -- Saint LuciaDemonstrations -- Economic aspects -- Saint LuciaAgricultural subsidiesGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization)Caribbean Area -- Foreign relations -- EuropeEngland. Parliament. House of LordsTourism -- BarbadosBarbados Tourist BoardBouterse, Desire Delano, 1945- -- Resignation from officeSuriname -- Economic aspectsStructural adjustment (Economic policy) -- SurinameArmy commander -- Suriname -- Resignation from officeCaribbean Report 20-11-1992Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.