Young Marshall, Ayanna2015-07-152015-07-152015-07-15 to the Panel on Showcasing Evidence of Good and Promising Practices at the Regional Conference on Institutionalising Best Practice in Higher Education, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 24-26 June, 2015.SEED is a motivational entrepreneurship development programme and co-curricular course that fosters self-reliance, innovation, and entrepreneurship among students. SEED's ultimate goal is to expand employment choices so that instead of having to rely on jobs in the private and public sectors, graduates will start their own businesses. SEED uses non-conventional teaching methods, mentorship, and a business plan competition as part of its innovative approach. This presentation provides context, a description of SEED objectives, components, primary activities, constraints, opportunities, impact, and build out. Some concluding observations are included.enSEED ProjectEntrepreneurship educationBest practicesSelf employmentThe University of the West Indies, Cave HillHigher educationEducation and employmentCo-curricular activitiesStudent Entrepreneurial Empowerment Development (SEED) Project [PowerPoint]Presentation