Danny-Maharaj, PhooloThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago2015-09-212015-09-2121-Feb-04Danny-Maharaj, Phoolo. "New Venue for Sando Bomb Competition." Saturday Express. 21 Feb. 2004: 22. Print.https://hdl.handle.net/2139/40815John A. Hoyte's Bomb competition for steelbands in and around San Fernando will be held on Carnival Monday at a new venue, Lower High Street, King's Wharf. This change in venue has come following the new route charted for steelbands and mas-men this year in order to relieve traffic congestion and permit greater and better all-round participation. The competition is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Community Development and Culture and more than $20,000 will be shared among the first five winners.©Trinidad Express Newspapers. This material is protected under Copyright Act of Trinidad and Tobago. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research.Steel bands (Music) -- Competitions -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel drum (Musical instrument) -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel band music -- Trinidad and TobagoNew Venue for Sando Bomb Competition