The University of the West IndiesCrosskill, Hugh (anchor)Reynolds, Richard (correspondent)Patton, Christopher (interviewee)Saunders, Tom (interviewee)Charles, Eugenia (interviewee)Edwards, Andy (interviewee)Jackson, Colin (interviewee)Faulkner, Stewart (interviewee)Pape, Jean (interviewee)2018-04-052018-04-051989-06-06CAR0247 (00:00-00:52)2.Britain’s Minister for Overseas Development, Christopher Patton says he was pleased with the outcome with the latest round of ACP/EEC negotiations for a Fourth Lome Convention, but there are some areas where he found that greater strides could have been made (00:53-04:39)3.At the 5th International AIDS Conference in Montreal, Dr. Jean Pape claims that the disease is spreading into the general population of the Caribbean faster than in other regions of the world Interview with Dr. Jean Pape, Richard Reynolds reports (04:40-07:57)4.Financial News (07:58-08:53)5.By the end of the year, British Aerospace hopes to sell the first 146 jet aircraft to LIAT (08:54-10:05)6.Dominica’s PM Eugenia Charles has urged the British government to follow the French government’s decision and write off the debts for her country. Interviews with PM Eugenia Charles and Christopher Patton (10:06-12:39)7.Highlights of athletes participating during the British athletic season. Interviews with Colin Jackson and Stewart Faulkner; Andy Edwards reports (12:40-15:17)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 17 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationDebt relief -- DominicaAIDS (Disease) -- Transmission -- Caribbean AreaHosting of sporting events -- Great BritainDebt cancellation -- Great BritainLome Conventions -- ACP-GroupCaribbean Report 06-06-1989Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.