The University of the West IndiesJoseph, Emma (anchor)Raphael, Marcelle (correspondent)Smith, Colin (correspondent)Charles, Pierre (interviewee)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Richards, Ken (correspondent)2016-05-232016-05-232001-01-17CAR3280 Headlines (00:00-00:31)2. Teachers reject a court decision and continue to strike in Curacao. Marcelle Raphael, a resident in Curacao is interviewed (00:32-03:14)3. Guyana awaits a ruling on what happens next after the 1997 elections were declared null and void. Colin Smith reports (03:15-05:25)4. Caribbean community leaders are on their way to Jamaica for the Canada Caricom Summit in Montego Bay. Prime Minister Pierre Charles is interviewed (05:26-08:11)5. As institutions, such as, the World Trade Organisation get back to work for the New Year 2001 promises to be a challenging twelve months for Caribbean negotiators. Debbie Ransome reports (08:12-10:50)6. United States banana giant Chiquita struggles to find nearly a billion dollars to stay afloat. Ken Richards reports (10:51-12:42)7. As George W. Bush takes the oath of office on Saturday thousands of black protestors will be going through their own inauguration in Washington. Spokeswoman for Reverend Al Sharpton Rachelle Noreiga is interviewed (12:45-15:42)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 42 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationStrikes and lockouts -- CuracaoTeachers -- CuracaoElections--Corrupt practices--GuyanaSummit meetings -- JamaicaDominica--International relations--LibyaLibya --International relations -- DominicaInternational relations -- Caribbean AreaBanana trade --United StatesPresidents—InaugurationCaribbean Report 17-01-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.