Rowe, Yvette (anchor)Hobson, Steve (interviewee)Bird, Lester (interviewee)Jarvis, Mike (correspondent)Crosskill, Hugh (correspondent)Brathwaite, Nicholas (interviewee)Eman, Jan Hendrik Albert2020-07-212020-07-211993-07-21CAR1323 Headlines (00:00-00:40)2. Meetings are held in Antigua and Barbuda between the government and Caribbean Aviation Enterprises (CAE) over the privatization of the regional airline, LIAT. CAE’s Chairman, Steve Hobson has been meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister, Lester Bird who is expected to address Cabinet, today, on the issue. At the recent Nassau’s Summit, Caribbean leaders had agreed in principle to CAE’s privatization plan for LIAT. The absence from the meeting of Prime Minister, Vere Bird meant that Antigua and Bermuda could not agree. Mike Jarvis reports that it appears the country’s endorsement of the plan may not be readily forthcoming. Interviews with Steve Hobson, Chairman of CAE and Lester Bird, Foreign Affairs Minister, Antigua and Barbuda (00:41- 04:25)3. In Antigua and Barbuda, Foreign Affairs Minister, Lester Bird says he is confident of winning the party’s leadership at the postponed convention to be held in September. Since the announcement of Vere Bird’s resignation, there has been a leadership tussle among Lester Bird, John St. Luce, Minister of Information and Hugh Marshall, a former minister in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Commerce. Interview with Lester Bird, Foreign Affairs Minister, Antigua and Barbuda (04:26-06:24)4. Grenada is hoping to reestablish an arrangement with Indonesia to sell its nutmeg on the world market. The two countries shared the global market for the product with Indonesia controlling 75 percent and Grenada, 25 percent. In recent times, Grenada’s nutmeg industry has been in a slump. Hugh Crosskill reports that a new agreement with Indonesia is crucial to the island’s nutmeg industry and the economy. Interview with Nicholas Brathwaite, Prime Minister of Grenada (06:25-10:35)5. Aruba’s Prime Minister, Nelson Oduber says he has been the target of an assassination attempt. Over the weekend, a petrol bomb is reported to have been found underneath his car. However, opposition leader, Henny Eman dismisses these claims as being orchestrated. Interviews with Jan Hendrix “Henny” Albert Eman and a publisher of an Aruba Newspaper (10:36-14:34)6. Caribbean and other ACP banana producers clashed with Latin American growers in the ruling Council of the GATT over the European Community’s new banana import policies. After nearly three hours of debate and with many countries seeking to speak, the meeting was adjourned until September (14:35-14:57)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 57 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationLIAT (Airline)Antigua and Barbuda -- Politics and governmentNutmeg industry -- GrenadaNutmeg (Spice) -- GrenadaAruba -- Politics and governmentAssassination -- ArubaBanana trade -- Caribbean AreaEconomic assistance, European -- Caribbean AreaGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization)Caribbean Report 21-07-1993Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.