W.L. Johnson and Company Limited, BarbadosW. L. Johnson & Co., Ltd., Barbados. No. 66The Main Library, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados is responsible for making this digital resource available.2023-11-172023-11-17pc331https://hdl.handle.net/2139/56263Landscape, Colour, “3 ½” x 5½ ”This is a scene of negro women washing clothes along the river side. There are trees on both sides of the river. A cow is seen grazing along one side of the river bank, while a boat has been pulled up on the other side. This is a divided back postcard. Back of the Postcard W.L. Johnson and Company Limited, Barbados N0.66 03 A MN & P £6 249232 (Handwritten in Pencil)enThis item is presented courtesy of the Main Library, the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados for research and educational purposes. Prior permission is required from the Main Library for any commercial use.RiversBoatsCowsLaundryClothes washingNegroes Washing Clothes, BarbadosImage