The University of the West IndiesRansome, Debbie (anchor)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Thompson, Pat (interviewee)Knox, Sidney (interviewee)Baptiste, Sandra (correspondent)Duncan, Neville (interviewee)2015-12-222015-12-221992-06-24CAR1043 ends abruptly.1. Headlines (00:00-00:33)2. The CARICOM Council of Ministers Meeting, precursor to the Heads of Government Summit is being held in Trinidad and Tobago this week. Correspondent Tony Fraser reports on the issue of the Common External Tariff (CET) dominating discussions at the meeting. Comments are made by Guyana’s Trade Minister, Winston Murray (00:34-03:07)3. The report focuses on issues slated for discussion at the Heads of Government Summit next week and entertains comments from various personalities in the Caribbean as outlined below:i. Officials of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce, Pat Thompson and Sidney Knox continue the discussion on the CET, observing that while lower tariff rates are desirable, the region’s fragile economies must have built-in protections (03:08-04:51)ii. Correspondent Sandra Baptiste reports on the question of import licenses within CARICOM as this is another aspect of regional trade that is certain to be raised at the Summit. (04:52-07:24)iii. Pat Thompson and Sidney Knox also comment on the ‘Manning Initiative’ - a proposal for an economic union between Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Guyana, noting that it is part of a good case being made for different levels of development within CARICOM (07:25-10:33)iv. Political Scientist, Dr. Neville Duncan responds to the recommendation by the West Indian Commission for the setting up of a CARICOM Commission that would have authority to force the implementation of regional decisions across national borders. He believes that the recommendation would not be adopted at next week’s summit (10:34-13:24)v. Uncertainty exists concerning the attendance of Haiti’s exile President Jean-Bertrand Aristide at the CARICOM Summit in Trinidad (13:25-14:14)4. The US Military at its naval base in Cuba repatriates 83 Haitians who were refused permission to pursue asylum claims in the US classifying them as economic rather than political refugees (14:15-14:43)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 47 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCaribbean CommunityCaribbean Common Market. Council of Ministers. MeetingTariff -- Caribbean AreaImport quotas -- Caribbean AreaFree trade -- Caribbean AreaTrinidad and Tobago -- Foreign economic relations -- BarbadosTrinidad and Tobago -- Foreign economic relations -- GuyanaEconomic development -- Caribbean AreaCaribbean Area -- Economic integrationAristide, Jean-BertrandRepatriation -- United StatesHaiti -- Refugees -- United StatesCARICOM Council of Ministers Meeting 1992Common External Tariff (CET) -- Caribbean AreaImport licenses -- Caribbean AreaManning initiative -- Caribbean AreaCARICOM Commission -- EstablishmentCaribbean Report 24-06-1992Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.