The University of the West IndiesWhitehorne, Pat (anchor)Telkamper, Wilfried (interviewee)Lewis, Patrick (interviewee)Buxton, Neil (analyst)Caroit, Jean Michel (correspondent)Heath, Roy (interviewee)Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)2013-05-272013-05-271990-05-15CAR0492 Green Parties in the European Parliament are hoping to amass support to prevent the ratification of Lome IV. The Green Parties regard the trade and aid deal between the European Economic Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries as a new form of colonialism and recommends a new form of dialogue. Secondly, an investigating team is sent to Israel by the Antiguan government in an attempt to clarify how arms sent to Antigua ended up on the estate of a Columbian drug baron. According to the British press the team had a week of fruitless enquiries whilst the Antiguan government reports that documents were obtained that may prove to be useful in the investigation. Following the Financial News, while it may seem to be a two-horse race between Joaquin Balaguer and Juan Bosch in the elections of the Dominican Republic, the issue of religion may divert votes to the Social Democratic Dominican Revolutionary Party led by Jose Francisco Pena Gomez. After 30 years of residing in London Roy Heath, Guyanese novelist, returns to Guyana to collect the prestigious literature prize of Guyana. He recently published his autobiography entitled “Shadows Round the Moon,” Roy Heath and states that Guyana is suffering from a brain-drain and returning exiles can make a positive impact on Guyana.1. Headlines (00:00-00:40)2. European Parliament votes on Lome IV and the Green Party aims to block its ratification. Pat Whitehorne interviews Wilfried Telkamper, German spokesman for the European Greens (00:41-05:00)3. Antigua's investigating team to Israel locates documents regarding the arms scandal but many questions are left unanswered. Interview with Dr. Patrick Lewis, Antigua's representative at the United Nations (05:01-09:00)4. Financial News. Neil Buxton of Shearson, Lehman and Hutton Co. comments on the forecast of nickel on the world market (09:01-10:35)5. The third party in the election race of the Dominican Republic gains ground as the Church is brought into the elections campaign. Jean Michel Caroit reports from Santo Domingo (10:36-12:296. Leslie Garth interviews Guyanese novelist, Roy Heath, who recently published his autobiography entitled "Shadows Round the Moon" (12:30-15:12)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 18 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationACP-GroupEuropean Economic CommunityArms transfers -- AntiguaElections -- Dominican RepublicElections -- Religious aspects -- Dominican RepublicAuthors, GuyaneseGuyanese literatureAuthors, Exiled -- GuyanaGreen Parties -- EuropeLome IV -- ACP-GroupLome IV -- ACP-Group -- European Economic CommunityArms investigation -- AntiguaCaribbean Report 15-05-1990Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.