Evans, Hyacinth L.2022-01-182022-01-18Sep. 1989988https://hdl.handle.net/2139/53088This article presents a view of research on the socialization of primarily one group of Jamaican children--those whose parents are of working-class origin or are unemployed. After a discussion of the family within the Jamaican context, and specifically within this socio-economic group, the research is presented under three main headings: 1) the physical/social setting, 2) parent-child interaction, and 3) values and beliefs. The article then examines the implications of this research for the development of the child, and considers the effectiveness of this socialization in preparing the child for school and for society. It ends with a critical review of the research from the point of view of its coherence and its adequacy for preparing the child for school and societyChildrenPerspectives on the socialization of the working-class Jamaican child