Sewlal, Jo-Anne NStarr, Christopher K2011-06-122011-06-122009 nabid bug Arachnocoris trinitatus (Bergroth, 1916) is often found in webs of the pholcid spider Coryssocnemis simla Huber, 2000. Thirty-one webs of C. simla were checked for occupancy by the spider and the insect in April 2008 in a deciduous seasonal forest in Trinidad, West Indies. Arachnocoris trinitatus showed no significant preference either for webs occupied by juvenile versus adult spiders, or for empty webs versus those occupied by C. simla.enArachnocoris trinitatus, Nabidae, Coryssocnemis simla, Pholcidae, symbiosisObservations of the insect Arachnocoris trinitatus (Heteroptera: Nabidae) as an inquiline of the spider Coryssocnemis simla (Araneae: Pholcidae) in West Indies.Article