The University of the West IndiesGordon, Orin (anchor, correspondent)Richards, Ken (correspondent)Sharpe, Gillian (correspondent)Daniels, Louis (correspondent)Hughes, Hubert (interviewee)Fleming, Osbourne (interviewee)Andrew, Kimberly (correspondent)Brandt, David (interviewee)Bruce, Iain (correspondent)Harston, Julian (interviewee)Carney, Timothy (interviewee)2016-06-232016-06-231999-07-16CAR2885 Headlines with anchor Orin Gordon (00:00 - 00:29)2. Former military leader of Suriname Dési Bouterse has been found guilty of cocaine trafficking by a Court in the Hague. In his absence Mr. Bouterse was sentenced to sixteen years in prison, and fined 4.7 million (guilders) but he remains out of reach of the Dutch authorities who failed to get him extradited from Suriname. Ken Richards reports on the conviction, his role in the Suriname drug cartel, drug smuggling activities and influential role in Dutch politics. BBC correspondent Gillian Sharpe reports from the Hague on the 10 year investigation (00:30 – 05:10)3. Police in Antigua seized properties in connection with a 10 million US dollar drug bust in joint operations with Canadian and US drug enforcement officers. Eight Canadians have been implicated in the operation. Louis Daniels reports from St. John (05:11- 06:37)4. In Anguilla the opposition has moved quickly to exploit British government intervention on the issue of the island minority government administration led by Chief Minister Hubert Hughes since May following the resignation of Finance Minister Victor Banks. Victor Banks since his resignation over the autocratic rule of Hughes has since formed an alliance with the opposition party. British Minister responsible for Overseas Territories Elizabeth Conway Symons stepped in and delivered a stern message to Hughes urging him to immediately form a majority government. Opposition leader Osbourne Fleming discusses the impasse (06:38 - 10:06)5. Former British High Commissioner to Belize has criticised the country’s offshore banking sector as being highly susceptible to money laundering and criminals. David Mackilligin comments were contained in a letter to Times of London and followed media scrutiny into the financial affairs of the country’s ambassador to the United Nations Michael Ashcroft (10:07 – 10:50)6. The US lifted a three year travel restriction to Montserrat following advisories by scientists in Montserrat that the volcano no longer poses imminent danger. Kimberly Andrew reports on observations and findings from the Britain, France, Puerto Rico and the United States. Chief Minister and Minister of Tourism David Brandt comments favorably on the decision (10:51 - 12:16)7. The UN special representative in Haiti Julian Harston is calling for international support for Haiti’s police. Iain Bruce solicits views from Haitians on the US foreign presence, intervention and democracy in Haiti. Timothy Carney US Ambassador discusses slow political progress in Haiti (12:17 - 14:36)8. President Clinton issues a statement that he is suspending for six months a provision of the Helms Burton Law which allows for legal action of foreign companies dealing with expropriated US properties in Cuba. The legislation enacted in 1996 is opposed by Canada and EC Countries with economic ties to Cuba (14:37 – 15:25)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 25 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationBouterse, Desire Delano, 1945-Suriname -- Politics and governmentDrug traffic -- AntiguaAnguilla -- Politics and governmentAshcroft, Michael A.Banking industry -- BelizeVolcano -- MontserratSoufrière Hills Volcano (Montserrat)Haiti -- Politics and governmentHelms Burton BillCuba -- Foreign relations -- United StatesCaribbean Report 16-07-1999Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.