The University of the West IndiesJoseph, Emma (anchor)Bonucci, NIcola (interviewee)Williams, Natalie (correspondent)Sankey, Paul (interviewee)Bernal, Richard (interviewee)Gordon, Warren (correspondent)Echevarria, Laura (interviewee)Richards, Ken (correspondent)2016-08-162016-08-162001-02-01CAR3291 Headlilnes (00:00-00:29)2. OECD says they do not want a legal battle with Barbados over harmful tax practices. Deputy Director of Legal Affairs at the OECD Nicola Bonucci is interviewed (00:30-04:26)3. Analyst are reporting that the widely expected American recession could end up boosting Caribbean economies. Gas Analyst with Deutsche Bank Paul Sankey is interviewed and Natalie Williams reports (04:27-05:40)4. George Bush's nominee for trade representative faced the Senate Confirmation Committee today. If it is approved Robert Zelnick would replace the Democrat Charlene Barshefsky. What would Mr Zelnick bring to the Caribbean negotiating table that was the question put to Jamaica's Ambassador in Washington Richard Bernal? Ambassador Richard Bernal is interviewed (05:41-08:54)5. As the campaign to free Trinidad and Tobago born Krishna Maharaj on death row in Florida intensifies Maharaj himself has made a strong plea of innocence. Warren Gordon reports on details of Mr Maharaj's letter (08:55-11:00)6. There is growing concern that a decision to cut aid to planned parenting organisations worldwide could lead to a rise in pregnancies regionally. Laura Echevarria of the United States-based National Right to Life Committee is interviewed (11:02-13:42)7. New research shows that cannabis consumption could lead to mental instability. Ken Richards reports (13:43-15:24)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 24 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationTaxation -- Caribbean AreaWest Indies—Economic conditionsRecessions -- United StatesBanana trade --United StatesDeath row inmates -- FloridaPregnancy -- Caribbean AreaCannabis—Social aspectsCaribbean Report 01-02-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.