The University of the West IndiesWhitehorne, Pat (anchor)Pennicook, Charles (interviewee)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Norton, Michael (correspondent)Clovis, Allan (interviewer)Armstrong, Benedict (interviewee)Boos, Hans (interviewee)Nanan, Winston (interviewee)Jardin, John (interviewee)Deyal, Toni (interviewee)Honeyghan, Lloyd (interviewee)2015-01-082015-01-081990-10-31CAR0613 Headline (00:00-00:35)2. West Indian Shipping Company now offers a scheduled service to Caricom. The Company’s operations, such as arrivals, berthing and off-loading, will be done by private agents and the main focus will now be on corporate policy and administration. Debbie Ransome interviews Charles Pennicook, WISCO’s General Manager (00:36-03:32)3. Haiti’s army pledges strict neutrality in the forthcoming elections. Michael Norton reports (03:33-05:18)4. Trinidad and Tobago sets out to attract European and North American tourists, and tackle its long neglected internal obstacles to tourism. Debbie Ransome reports on the potential of the Caribbean’s tourist sleeping giant – Tobago, and other tourism issues facing Trinidad and Tobago. Interviews are featured with Allan Clovis, President of Trinidad and Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association; Benedict Armstrong of the Tourism Division of Tobago’s House of Assembly; Hans Boos, Curator of Emperor Valley Zoo; Winston Nanan, Operator on the Caroni Bird Sanctuary; John Jardin, President of Tourism Development Authority; and Toni Deyal, Public Relations Officer of Tourism Development Authority (05:19-11:23)5. Lloyd Honeyghan, Jamaican-born British boxing champion, is set to make a comeback into the boxing arena. Honeyghan comments on the controversy between himself and his manager surrounding the date of his return (11:24-14:48)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 53 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationShipping -- Caribbean AreaShipping companies (Marine transportation) -- Caribbean AreaElections -- HaitiTourism -- Trinidad and TobagoEcotourism -- Trinidad and TobagoWest Indian Shipping CompanyElections -- Violence -- HaitiCaribbean Report 31-10-1990Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.