2009-01-292009-01-292009-01-29https://hdl.handle.net/2139/3313Colour: Brown and white; Style: Landscape; Other: Bordered, UndividedHere we see women carrying boxes on their heads. This has been a custom from ancient times. Things from a pail full of water to produce are often carried on the heads of women in developing countries, even today. The postcard contains a cable message dated March 5th 1928 addressed to Mrs. A.C. Heublein, Hartford Connecticut. It was sent while the sender was sailing abroad the Hamburg American Line.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduPostcardsTrinidad and TobagoWomen--Trinidad and TobagoLabourers--Trinidad and TobagoTransportation--Trinidad and TobagoManners and customs--Trinidad and TobagoClothing and dress--Trinidad and TobagoOutdoor life--Trinidad and TobagoHats--Trinidad and Tobago1928Native Burden Bearers in TrinidadImage