Grant, LennoxThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago2015-09-212015-09-218-Sep-96Grant, Lennox. "Where Pan Reach: At Last, We Know." Express. 8 Sep. 1996: 8. Print. Grant comments on the articles written by two veteran panmen, Nestor Sullivan and Ian Teddy Belgrave which offered a commemoration and a bitter sweet lament on the nation's steelpan. Grant noted that the Independence weekend was a sombre update on the status, on a world scale, of the national instrument. The steelpan which is a promising multi-billion dollar industry, is now the property of Europe, Asia or North America.©Trinidad Express Newspapers. This material is protected under Copyright Act of Trinidad and Tobago. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research.Steel drum (Musical instrument) -- Trinidad and Tobago -- HistorySteel bands (Music) -- Administration -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel band music -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel bands (Music) -- Trinidad and TobagoWhere Pan Reach: At Last, We Know