Rigaud, Phyllis2012-04-172012-04-172012-04-17https://hdl.handle.net/2139/12710This study sought to investigate primary school teachers' concerns about the implementation of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) programme at a primary school in Trinidad and Tobago. It specifically sought to explore the reasons why the teachers were not implementing the HFLE curriculum with fidelity. Data were collected through interviews held with three purposively selected teachers from each level of the school. The findings of the study revealed that the teachers had concerns about 1) obtaining information regarding the content matter of the HFLE curriculum, 2) gaining parental support for specific aspects of the curriculum, 3) heavy workload, 4) time constraints resulting from the demands of the national assessment tests, 5) the physical infrastructure of the school, 6) the lack of support from the school's principal, and 7) the lack of collegial relationships among staffenPrimary school teachersTeacher attitudesHealth and family life educationCurriculum implementationTrinidad and TobagoImplementing health and family life education (HFLE) at a primary school in the North Eastern Education District in Trinidad and Tobago: Teachers' concernsThesis