The University of the West IndiesRichards, Ken (anchor)Greaves, Keith 'Stone' (correspondent)Fergus, Howard (interviewee)Osborne, John (interviewee)Calderon, Lawson (interviewee)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Stephens, Robert (interviewee)Fitzgerald, Edward (interviewee)Anderson, Clive (interviewee)Hunte, Julian (interviewee)Joseph, Emma (correspondent)Schreiber, Daniel (correspondent)2016-12-012016-12-012001-04-03CAR3334 Headlines (00:00-00:32)2. In Montserrat, the New People's Liberation Movement has been swept into power in a landslide victory in Monday's general elections and the new Chief Minister plans to spell out his isalnd's needs to Britain. Incoming Chief Minister John Osborne and Election Supervisor Howard Fergus are interviewed. Keith 'Stone' Greaves reports (00:33-05:50)3. St. Lucia's manafacturing sector is making the case for the region to be given the time to put that sector into a state of preparedness ahead of the planned Free Trade Area of the Americas. President of the St. Lucia Manufacturers Association Lawson Calderon is interviewed (05:51-09:11)4. Decision by Caricom leaders to establish a regional Court of Justice is among developments leaving the British looking at the future of the Privy Council. Lord Slynn of Hadley, Oxford Professor Robert Stephens are interviewed. Human Rights Lawyer Edward Fitzgerald speaks to Moderator Clive Anderson. Debbie Ransome reports (09:12-12:33)5. New Foreign Minister of St. Lucia has been speaking about his appointment to the post until recently Julian Hunte was St. Lucia's Ambassador to the United Nations but now he has replaced George Odlum who maintains he jumped before being pushed from office. Former Ambassador to the United Nations Julian Hunte is interviewed (12:34-13:41)6. One of Cuba's long term allies Vincente Fox has urged Fidel Castro to be more open about the issue of human rights. Emma Joseph and Daniel Schreiber report (13:42-15:46)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 46 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationElections -- MontserratCustoms unions -- Caribbean AreaManufacturing industries -- Saint LuciaCourts of last resort -- Caribbean AreaPrivy councils -- BritainForeign ministers -- Saint LuciaHuman rights -- CubaCaribbean Report 03-04-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.