The University of the West IndiesGordon, Orin (correspondent)Greaves, Keith Stone (correspondent)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Bird, Lester (interviewee)Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee)Anthony, Kenny (interviewee)Daniel, Louis (correspondent)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Jarvis, Mike (correspondent)Walcott, Derek (interviewee)Fitzwilliam, Wendy (interviewee)Joseph, Emma (correspondent)2015-07-202015-07-201999-05-26CAR2848 Headlines with anchor Orin Gordon (00:26)2. Five law lords removed the stay of execution of Trinidad murder accused Dole Chadee and eight death row prisoners in Trinidad and Tobago. The British Privy Council dismissed a petition to commute the death sentences to life imprisonment. Keith Stone Greaves discusses the implication for other death row inmates in the region. Tony Fraser reports from Trinidad and Tobago on the end of the line for accused the prisoners as lawyers seek avenues for appeal (00:27 - 04:14)3. As Antigua and Barbuda confirm the countries’ withdrawal from three Organisations of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) institutions, Prime Minister Lester Bird attributes the decision to withdraw to financial constraints and the inability of the OECS to serve the minimal needs of its constituents. He stresses the need to work on changing the present environment. Dr. Vaughn Lewis former Director General of the OECS comments on the loss of Antigua/Barbuda as active members. Dr. Kenny Anthony reiterates the failure of countries to support regional institutions. Louis Daniel and Pete Ninvalle reports (04:15 - 09: 25)4. A poll recount is ongoing in Sint Maarten island council election as deputy leader of the opposition Edgar Lynch files a petition calling for the recount. Mike Jarvis reports on the allegations of discrepancies (09:26 - 10:47)5. Caribbean delegations describe the operations of the International Whaling Commission as undemocratic at a meeting in Grenada and call for a reduction and review of membership fees (10: 48 – 11: 37)6. In World Cup Cricket India won the match against defending champions Sri Lanka. Tobagonian Dwight Yorke plays a crtical role in Manchester United winning the European Champion Cup (11: 38 - 12: 19)7. Trinidad and Tobago hosts the 1999 Miss Universe pageant at a costly sum of eighty one million (TT) dollars. Derek Walcott criticises the construction of a stadium for the pageant. Wendy Fitzwilliam comments on the positive outcome of the pageant. Emma Joseph reports (12: 20 – 15: 20)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 19 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationHuman rights advocacy -- Trinidad and TobagoCapital punishment -- Trinidad and TobagoDeath row inmates -- Trinidad and TobagoDeath penalty -- Trinidad and TobagoChadee, DoleO.E.C.S. (Organization)Elections -- Sint MaartenSint Maarten -- Politics and governmentCricket -- Tournaments -- West IndiesWorld Cup (Cricket)Miss Universe PageantFitzwilliam, WendyWhaling -- Caribbean AreaCaribbean Report 26-05-1999Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.