The University of the West IndiesGoffe, Leslie (correspondent)Boyd, Mark Lennox (interviewee)Laing, Kirkland (interviewee)Duff, Micky (interviewee)Burton, John (interviewee)Whitehorne, Pat (anchor)2014-07-212014-07-212014-07-21CAR0733 Headlines by Pat Whitehorne (00:00- 00:40)2. The abolition of the death penalty is final in the dependent territories of the British Virgin Islands. The British Government Minister with responsibility for the Caribbean, Mr. Mark Lennox Boyd spoke to Pat Whitehorne about this new development as he begins a one week visit to Barbados, BVI and Trinidad and Tobago to speak about drug interdiction, off shore banking and the region’s security system (00:41-05:02)3. The West Indian Commission in its efforts to continuing the process of consultations, held its first public meeting in Central London with West Indians living in Britain where approximately 400 persons attended. After Sir Shridath Ramphal gave his opening remarks, contributions were taken from the floor. Contributors raised their concerns regarding accountability of governing parties, poor functioning of the democratic process in the region and the state of education. Despite these criticisms, the general consensus was that the Commission was welcome and it was hoped by one contributor that it would be successful in all its endeavours (05:03-09:19)4. One of Britain’s best boxing talents, Jamaican born welterweight, Kirkland Laing, calls it quits after he lost a recent boxing match in a frustrating, unfulfilled career. Leslie Garth reports that Laing’s boxing career never quite lived up to its great expectations as he was knocked out in the 9th round of his last match. His manager, Micky Duff gave an assessment of Laing’s career and offered his thoughts as to what he may do in retirement. Duff noted that Laing was regarded as one of his best boxers who did not win a world title but had an abundance of natural talents. Boxing writer, John Burton shared his thoughts with Leslie Garth on how the boxing community would remember this enigmatic welterweight. Previous BBC clip of Laing is played as he explains why he never matured as a boxer (09:20- 13:17)5. Pat Whitehorne ends by giving an update on the new frequency changes affecting Caribbean Report with the addition of the third frequency band, 6.110 in the 49 metre band megahertz (13:18-14:33)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 46 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCaptial punishment -- Caribbean area.Drug control -- Caribbean area.Regionalism -- Caribbean area.Education -- Caribbean area.Caribbean community.Boxers (sports) -- Caribbean area.Radio frequency -- Caribbean area.West Indian Commission.CARICOM.Ramphal, Shridath Sir.Caribbean report frequency.Caribbean Report 17-04-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.