The University of the West IndiesNiles, Bertram (anchor)Romero, Sergio (interviewee)Edwards, Raymond (correspondent)Chaitan, William (interviewee)Maharaj, Devish (interviewee)Panday, Basdeo (interviewee)Holder, Jean (interviewee)Joseph, Emma (correspondent)Kirby, Emma Jane (interviewee)Carl, Peter (interviewee)Ramphal, Shridath (interviewee)2017-05-092017-05-092001-07-31CAR3419 Headlines (00:00-00:29)2. Haitian police arrested thirty-five people in connection with the attacks on police stations. Ambassador Sergio Romero is interviewed (00:30-03:10)3. Opposition claims a major election case victory in the Trinidad and Tobago Courts in the Ministers Winston 'Gypsy' Peters and William Chaitan case. Attorney-at-Law Devish Maharaj and Minister William Chaitan are interviewed. Raymond Edwards reports (03:11-06:04)4. Short while ago the Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Basdeo Panday addressed supporters of his UNC and accused the Opposition People's National Movement of trying to sieze power through the Courts and not through the ballot box. Prime Minister Basdeo Panday is interviewed (06:05-06:56)5. American Airlines and other US airlines have resumed normal flights to the North Eastern Caribbean after the eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano on Sunday (06:57-07:32)6. Caribbean Tourism Organisation agrees that it needs to do more for its smaller member nations. Jean Holder is interviewed (07:33-10:41).7. Caribbean diplomats in Washington are hopeful that their intense lobbying to prevent changes to American trade legislation will bear some fruit before Congress goes in recess on Friday. Emma Joseph reports (10:42-12:25)8. European Union and the United States have teamed up in a bid to launch a new rounds of trade talks in November. European Commission Director General for Trade Peter Carl and Caricom's Chief Negotiator Sir Shridath Ramphal are interviewed. Emma Jane Kirby reports (12:26-14:42)9. In Antigua, three men who were involved in protest against the expansion of an Irish owned hotel, Carlisle Bay Hotel were granted bail on charges of malicious damage to property (14:43-15:26)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 26 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationPolice -- HaitiCivil rights -- Trinidad and TobagoBallot boxes -- Trinidad and TobagoSoufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat)Tourism -- Caribbean AreaTextile fabrics -- Caribbean AreaFree trade -- Caribbean AreaHotels -- AntiguaCaribbean Report 31-07-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.