The University of the West IndiesRichards, Ken (anchor)Collymore, Yvette (correspondent)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Wilson, Alan (interviewee)Pilgrim, Errol (correspondent)Hayes, Rosie (correspondent)Robson, Tony (interviewee)Robinson, Jackie (interviewee)Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)Bethel, Ed (interviewee)2014-01-162014-01-161997-04-15CAR2297 of the Clinton administration’s banana policy unloaded two thousand pounds of bananas in front of the US trade representative office. The protest was organised by TransAfrica, the Washington lobby group for Africa and the Caribbean. Next, a series of planned visits to the Windward Islands by British supermarket chains, Waitrose is currently on the way in St Lucia. Next, in Trinidad and Tobago member for the Tobago West constituency has resigned from the National Alliance for Reconstruction. She was unhappy with the candidate selected by the NAR for an upcoming local bye-election. Next, the Trinidadian footballer who was released from a Lebanese prison last week arrives in London tonight on his way back to Trinidad. Next, the amount of drugs found in Cuba increased last year. It is blamed on the increase of visitors arriving in the country. An increase in tourism meant an increase in drug trafficking. Next, anti-fascist groups in Britain are trying to stop an election broadcast by the far right British National Party ahead of the May 1st general elections. The British National Party is known to advocate the repatriation of Asian and black people. Next, two days after Tiger Woods made history in golf a similar historic occasion is being celebrated in baseball in the United States. Today marks fifty years since an African American broke the colour base which kept baseball all white. It is players from the Latin/Caribbean who are really getting ahead in baseball. In the final segment, Oscar winning actor Sir Sidney Poitier presented his credentials today as the Bahamas ambassador to Japan. Nassau is not planning to set up an embassy in Tokyo and Poitier is expected to carry out his duties from the Bahamas.1. Headlines (00:00-00:32)2. Critics of US banana policy dump hundreds of pounds of the fruit in front of the office of a top United States representative. Yvette Collymore reports from Washington (00:32-02:45)3. A visit by Waitrose, an upmarket chain of British supermarkets is curently on the way in St Lucia. Alan Wilson, Bristish supermarket representative is interviewed. Pete Ninvalle reports from Castries (02:46-04:49)4. Trinidad and Tobago government UNC/NAR coalition no longer has any NAR members. Errol Pilgrim reports (04:50-07:03)5. Trinidadian footballer, David Nakhid is on his way back to Trinidad (07:04-07:33)6. Illegal drugs are increasing in Cuba. Rosie Hayes reports (07:04-07:33)7. Ahead of the May 1st general election in Britain, anti-fascist groups are trying to stop an election broadcast by the British National Party. Tony Robson, Head of Research at the anti-fascist magazine, Searchlight, is interviewed (09:19-11:24)8. Latin-Caribbean baseball players are on the rise. Jackie Robinson was an American baseball player was interviewed. Leslie Goffe reports (11:25-13:42)9. Sir Sidney Poitier is Bahamas new ambassador to Japan. Ed Bethel, News Director of the local radio Love 97.9 fm is interviewed (13:43-15:27)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 27 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationTransAfrica.Clinton's administration banana policy.Waitrose.Nicholson, Pamela.National Alliance for Reconstruction.Nakhid, David.Cuban United Nations Association.Drugs -- Cuba.British National Party.Baseball -- Caribbean Area.Potier, Sidney.Caribbean Report 15-04-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.