The University of the West IndiesTimmins, Jerry (anchor)Stewart, Micky (interviewee)Fredericks, Roy (interviewee)Sharma, Anand (interviewee)Bannister, Jack (interviewee)Crosskill, Hugh (correspondent)Buchan, Janey (interviewee)Wenner, Claire (interviewee)Daly, Margaret (interviewee)Walcott, Clyde (interviewee)2012-05-112012-05-111989-01-25CAR0153 and players react to the ICC decision to ban from international cricket anyone who plays or coaches in South Africa after April 1st. Views were expressed by Clyde Walcott, WICBC; Micky Stewart, English Manager; Anand Sharma, Indian MP and leading anti-apartheid activist; and, Jack Bannister Secretary to the Cricketers' Association. As the ACP/EEC Joint Assembly continues in Barbados, there are expressions of sympathy and support for the concerns of the ACP States. Such expressions were given by Janey Buchan, Labour MP; Claire Wenner, Advisor to Caribbean Banana Producing Countries; and, Margaret Daly, Conservative MP and Vice-Chairman of the Development Commission.1. Headlines (00:00-00:45)2. Managers and players react to the ICC decision to ban from international cricket anyone who plays or coaches in South Africa after April 1st. Interviews with Clyde Walcott of the WICBC; Micky Stewart, English Manager; Anand Sharma, Indian MP and leading anti-apartheid activist; and Jack Bannister, Secretary to the Cricketers' Association (00:46-09:28)3. Financial News (09:29-10:08)4. As the ACP/EEC Joint Assembly continues in Barbados, there are expressions of sympathy and support for the concerns of the ACP states. Interviews with Janey Buchan, Labour MP; Claire Wenner, Advisor to Caribbean Banana Producing Countries; and, Margaret Daly, Conservative MP and Vice Chairman of the Development Commission (10:09-14:42)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 42 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCricket.Cricket players.Cricket players -- United Kingdom.Apartheid.Apartheid -- South Africa.Trade blocs -- European countries.Trade blocs -- Developing countries.Lome Conventions.Bananas -- Caribbean Area.West Indies Cricket Board of Control.ACPEECCaribbean Report 25-01-1989Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.