The University of the West IndiesWhitehorne, Pat (anchor)Khan, Sharief (correspondent)Ramsahoye, Fenton (interviewee)Aristide, Jean-Bertrand (interviewee)Bell, Andy (correspondent)Small, Hugh (interviewee)2020-05-142020-05-141991-10-30CAR0873 Headlines (00:00-00:40)2. Guyana’s President Desmond Hoyte maintains that the controversial voters list can be completed without postponing the general elections. Sharief Khan reports that the President states that criticisms of the list are ill-founded and interviews constitutional lawyer, Dr. Fenton Ramsahoye (00:41-08:06)3. Haiti’s ousted President Jean Bertrand Aristide states that the OAS trade embargo against Haiti will be enough to restore him to power. In an interview with Andy Bell in Paris, he expressed frustration that not all countries were fully supporting the embargo (08:07-11:03)4. Caricom companies state that exporters to Jamaica now have to deal directly with their clients for hard currency payments without the intervention of the Jamaican government. Comments from Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Hugh Small (11:04-13:44)5. Barbados’ government and trade unions are still locked in talks with the latter setting a deadline for the government to reverse austerity measures or face the shutdown of the country. The government calls for more time and dialogue (13:45-14:49)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 01 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationElections -- GuyanaVoting registers -- GuyanaEconomic sanctions -- HaitiPresidents -- HaitiOrganisation of American StatesJamaica -- Economic aspectsDebts, External -- JamaicaStrikes and lockouts -- BarbadosBarbados -- Economic conditionsVoting registers -- Corrections -- GuyanaCaribbean Report 30-10-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.