The University of the West IndiesOrr, Carol (anchor)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Maharaj, Lawrence (interviewee)Singh, Rickey (interviewee)Rifkind, Malcolm (interviewee)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Josie, Peter (interviewee)Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee)Fergus, Howard (interviewee)Rifkind, Malcolm (interviewee)2015-01-072015-01-071996-04-02CAR2027 Headlines (00:00-00:43)2. Press freedom is debated in Trinidad and Tobago as Guardian editorial staff has resigned. Attorney General Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj is interviewed and Tony Fraser reports (00:43-02:44)3.CAMWORK president demands that national affiliates take a stand. President of the Caribbean Media Association Rickey Singh is interviewed (02:45-05:37)4. Britain says no to Turks and Caicos demand to sack their governor. Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Minister Malcolm Rifkind is interviewed (05:38-07:10)5. In St. Lucia former OECS Director General Vaughn Lewis took over the reigns of government today marking the exit of one of the region's longest serving prime minsters. Former Prime Minister John Compton, Prime Minister Vaughn Lewis and Former Deputy Political Leader of the Opposition St. Lucia Labour Party Peter Josie are interviewed. Pete Ninvalle reports (07:11-10:19)6. Prime Minister Vaughn Lewis said that his government is already working on the 1996/1997 budget. He, also, talks about Peter Josie as his choice for the Agriculture Minister. Prime Minister Lewis is interviewed (10:20-11:17)7. The UN mission in Haiti is today reporting the recovery of bodies of more than one hundred people who drowned in a boating accident in the Caribbean Sea last week (11:18-11:32)8. Authorities in Montserrat have no immediate plans for large scale evacuation of resident likely to be threatened by the emission of volcanic ash despite partial evacuation of the Village of Long Ground. Acting Governor Dr Howard Fergus is interviewed (11:33-12:59)9. Britain supports the United States wish for democracy in Cuba but does not support the legislation tightening trade sanctions. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Malcolm Rifkind is interviewed (13:00-14:42)10. United States President Bill Clinton has defended the legislation. He said he had to take a firm position on Cuba's violation of international law (14:43-15:27)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 27 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationFreedom of the press -- Trinidad and Tobago.Journalists -- Caribbean Area.Governors -- Turks and Caicos Islands.Prime ministers -- Saint Lucia.Budget -- Saint Lucia.Ferryboat disasters -- Haiti.Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat)Democracy -- Cuba.Embargo -- Cuba.Caribbean Media Workers Association.Caribbean Report 02-04-1996Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.