2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-10https://hdl.handle.net/2139/9611Colour: Coloured; Style: Portrait; Other: Unbordered, DividedDescription printed on the back of the postcard: "Trinidad: Discovered by Columbus in 1498. Today it is a land of scenery, entertainment and industry-it's the land of Calypso, Steel Bands and Carnivals, land of the famous Pitch Lake, oil wells and sugar. Tobago: Only 20 minutes by plance from Trinidad. An island of good but inexpensive resorts, fine bathing beaches, roads, tropical scenery and history."enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsMapsTrinidad and Tobago1963Trinidad and TobagoImage