The University of the West IndiesCrosskill, Hugh (anchor)Hoyte, Desmond (speaker)Khan, Sharief (correspondent)Pastor, Robert (interviewee)Mills, Gladstone (interviewee)Corbin, Robert (interviewee)Kostmayer, Peter (interviewee)Jagan, Cheddie (interviewee)Singh, Rickey (interviewee)Avebury, Eric Reginald Lubbock, Baron, 1928-2016 (interviewee)2020-05-142020-05-141991-11-11CAR0881 Headlines (00:00-00:36)2. Guyana’s President Desmond Hoyte will proceed with elections on December 16 despite the objections of the international observers on the flawed voters list. Sharief Khan reports with comments from Robert Pastor of the Carter Centre; Professor Gladstone Mills of the Advisory Committee of Jamaica; Lord Avebury, Chairman of Britain’s Parliamentary Human Rights Group; Robert Corbin, Deputy Prime Minister of Guyana; and Peter Kostmayer, US Congressman. In a telephone interview, PPP opposition leader, Cheddie Jagan states that there is a possibility of the PPP boycotting the elections if the voters list is not cleaned-up, and he will support the calling of a state of emergency to allow President Hoyte to reconvene Parliament and postpone the elections. Guyanese journalist in St. Kitts, Rickey Singh supports the pulling out of the election race by the opposition parties (00:37-14:30)3. An OAS mission has arrived in Haiti to start negotiations for the return of disposed President Jean Bertrand Aristide (14:31-14:58)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 01 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationElections -- GuyanaVoting registers -- GuyanaHaiti -- Politics and governmentPresidents -- Reinstatement -- HaitiOrganisation of American StatesCaribbean Report 11-11-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.