2009-07-142009-07-142009-07-14https://hdl.handle.net/2139/4918Colour: Coloured; Style: Landscape; Other: Unbordered, DividedA picture of two persons watching a child play near the waters edge of the pond in the Rock Garden, Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad. The pond is covered with water lilies and in the background are a variety of colourful tropical plants. Postcard number P59532.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsBotanical gardens--Trinidad and TobagoRock gardens--Trinidad and TobagoPonds--Trinidad and TobagoWater lilies--Trinidad and Tobago[1969]Aquatic plants--Trinidad and TobagoChildren--Trinidad and TobagoRecreation--Trinidad and TobagoOutdoor recreation--Trinidad and TobagoPlants--Trinidad and TobagoCities and towns--Trinidad and Tobago--Port of SpainQueen's Park Savannah (Port of Spain)The Rock GardenImage