2010-05-142010-05-142010-05-14https://hdl.handle.net/2139/7233Colour: Coloured; Style: Landscape; Other: Unbordered, DividedThis is an aerial view of the pitch lake at Brighton, La Brea, south west Trinidad. In the foreground we envisage mining operations are in progress as there are buildings, vehicles and equipment in this area. In mid-ground is the natural pitch lake itself, with numerous pools of rainwater forming patterns on its surface. Beyond the pitch lake there are trees, vegetation, buildings in the distance, a squat cylindrical oil storage tank, oil derricks faintly visible and the sea. Postcard number DT-77843-B.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsCities and towns--Trinidad and Tobago--BrightonCities and towns--Trinidad and Tobago--La BreaAsphalt industry--Trinidad and TobagoPitchOil storage tanks--Trinidad and TobagoBuildings--Trinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago--Aerial ViewsSeas--Trinidad and Tobago[1935]Pitch Lake, The (La Brea)Pitch Lake, Trinidad, W.I.Image