The University of the West IndiesRowe, Yvette (anchor)Orr, Carol (correspondent)Al-Massari, Mohammad (interviewee)James, Edison (interviewee)Chretien, Jean (interviewee)Lucy, Williams (interviewee)Niles, Bertram (anchor)Rush, George (interviewee)2015-01-062015-01-061996-03-05CAR2007 Headlines (00:00-00:30)2. A British court stalls attempts to deport Saudi dissident Mohammad Al-Massari to Dominica. Saudi dissident Mr Al-Massari and Prime Minister Edison James are interviewed (00:31-05:51)3. The United States Senate approves a bill to tighten sanctions against Cuba. This comes following the incident last month in which the Cuban Air Force shot down to light planes flown by Cuban exiles. Those on board were killed (05:52-06:28)4. Canada goes to the World Trade Organisation hoping to save Caricom's preferential access to its market. Prime Minister Jean Chretien is interviewed (06:29-07:40)5. An international trade union has joined the lobby to preserve the European Union's banana regime. Public Services International is supporting the European Union's arrangement which gives preferential access to bananas from the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Public Services International President William Lucy is interviewed (07:41-08:45)6. A French colonel has been appointed commissioner of the three hundred member UN civil police contingent in Haiti. Forty-six years old Colonel Philip Balador has previously served as deputy commander of the training centre for auxiliary police in Montaguese. The UN peace keeping mission will be staying in Haiti for another four months (08:46-10:51)7. West Indies cricket capitain Richie Richardson announces his decision to retire from the international cricket at the end of the World Cup. The West Indies Cricket Board of Control has accepted his resignation. Courteney Walsh is the new captain for the New Zealand series which follows the World Cup. Bertrand Niles reports from Barbados (10:52-12:32)8. In Bermuda the government's decision to allow the opening of a McDonald's fast food restaurant on the island has provoked controversy. George Rush reports from Bermuda (12:33-14:16)9. The European Union made a formal complaint to the United States State Department registering its strong condemnation of aspects of the Helms-Burton Bill (14:17-15:20)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 20 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationDissenters -- Saudi.Embargo -- Cuba.International trade -- Caricom.Banana trade -- European Union.United Nations—Peacekeeping forces--Haiti.Cricket -- West Indies.Public Services International.Caribbean Report 05-03-1996Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.