The University of the West IndiesGordon, Warren (anchor)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Lansico, Romanas (interviewee)Mitchell, James (interviewee)Beache, Vincent (interviewee)Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)Orr, Carol (correspondent)2013-11-282013-11-281997-02-11CAR2252 States President, Bill Clinton, has been approached by Caribbean governments asking him to help avert a pending strike by American Airlines. They fear that the strike could have disastrous consequences for Caribbean tourism. Next, Minister of Culture Armando Hart has been dismissed from the Cuban government. Mr. Hart has been a member of the Cuban government from the early days of the revolution which brought Fidel Castro to power. In the following, former Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Milton died. He was the country’s first post independence prime minister and helped build the St. Vincent Labour Party. Next, Caribbean Americans and Jews in New York are sharply divided over the murder trial of Lemrick Nelson Jr. He was found innocent five years ago. However the second trial came up differently. Next, the men accused of the murder of Stephen Lawrence of Jamaican parentage refused to say anything that could incriminate them as the inquest continued. They claimed the legal right to stay quiet when they took the stand. In the final segment, a twenty nine year old woman of Caribbean origin has been named one of this year’s Academy Award film nominees. She has been nominated for her role in the film Secrets and Lies.1. Headlines (00:00-00:28)2. Caribbean governments are fearful that a strike by American Airlines could harm tourism. Romanas Lansico is interviewed. Pete Ninvalle reports from Castries (00:29-03:28)3. Minister of Culture Armando Hart has been dismissed from the Cuban government (03:29-05:16)4. Former Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Milton Cato has died. Sir James Mitchell, Prime Minster of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Opposition Leader, Vincent Beache are interviewed (05:17-08:58)5. Shades of the Simpson trial in New York where Caribbean Americans and Jews are sharply divided over a murder trial. Lesley Gaffe reports (08:59-11:00)7. An Oscar nominee with Caribbean roots (11:01-15:29)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 29 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationAmerican Airlines -- Strike.Bill Clinton.Governments -- Caribbean.Hart, Armando.Creator, Abdel.Government -- Cuba.Cato, Milton.Nelson, Lemrick jr.Murder trial -- New York.Lawrence, Stephen.Jean-Baptiste, Marianne.Academy Award.Secrets and Lies -- Film.Caribbean Report 11-02-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.