The University of the West IndiesCrosskill, Hugh (anchor)Walcott, Clyde (interviewee)Bell, Andrew (interviewee)Simmons, Kennedy (interviewee)O'Neil, Bill (interviewee)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Jar, Mike (correspondent)Jefferson, Owen (interviewee)King, Curley (interviewee)2016-10-202016-10-201991-07-11CAR0794 Headlines (00:00-00:34)2. In an interview with Caribbean Report, the West Indies Cricket Board’s President, Clyde Walcott, defends his decision not to support the return of South Africa to the International Cricket Council. He states it was purely a matter of principle, as well as the WICBC was not given ample time to discuss the item on the agenda and he objected to the haste of the ICC in readmitting South Africa to the international cricket world (00:35-04:23)3. The world’s major international aid donors meet in Paris and agree to provide Haiti with $350 million in assistance. The donors preferred not to commit any further aid to Guyana until the upcoming elections in November. Andrew Bell reports from Paris (04:24-06:25)4. At last week’s Caricom Heads of Governments meeting in St. Kitts a committee was formed to mediate in the current dispute between Haiti and the Dominican Republic over the deportation of Haitians from the Dominican Republic. In addition, the Caricom governments are criticized over their failure to condemn the use of child labour on the sugar plantations in the Dominican Republic. Comments from the new Caricom Chairman Dr. Kennedy Simmons and Bill O’Neil of the Washington based Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (06:26-10:08)5. Caribbean branches of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International are ordered to shut down operations due to an announcement from the Bank of England which uncovered massive fraud within the BCCI. Debbie Ransome reports from Trinidad on actions being taken to safeguard local deposits in the BCCI. Mike Jarvis reports on BBCI banks in Jamaica and Barbados with interviews with Dr. Owen Jefferson Senior Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Jamaica and Dr. Curley King Central Bank Governor of Barbados (10:09-13:54)6. President of the WICBC, Clyde Walcott, further comments on the ICC’s decisions to implement rules limiting only one bouncer per batsman per over and harsher fines for teams failing to bowl an average of 15 overs per hour (13:55-14:50)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 54 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCricket -- South AfricaInternational Cricket CouncilWestEconomic assistance -- HaitiEconomic assistance -- GuyanaChild labor -- Dominican RepublicDeportees -- Haiti -- Dominican RepublicCaribbean CommunityBank of Credit and Commerce InternationalBank fraudBanks and banking -- Trinidad and TobagoBanks and banking -- JamaicaBanks and banking -- BarbadosCricket -- RulesCricket -- South Africa -- BanWest Indies Cricket Board of ControlInternational aid -- HaitiCaribbean Report 11-07-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.