The University of the West IndiesRichards, Ken (anchor)Carmichael, Andrew (correspondent)Hamilton, Conrad (correspondent)NIcholson, Adrian (interviewee)Moses, Peter (interviewee)Gordon, Orin (correspondent)Panday, Basdeo (interviewee)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Manning, Patrick (interviewee)Hayes, Rosie (correspondent)Fuller, Carlos (interviewee)2017-05-112017-05-112001-08-20CAR3433 Headlines (00:00-00:28)2. Eight deaths lead to angry Corriverton protestors awaiting a meeting with the Guyanese President. Andrew Carmichael reports (00:29-03:36)3. United States has not yet formally responded to a Jamaican Commission recommending that marijuana be decriminalised. Still in Jamaica, the two main political parties have agreed to on a committee to promote a national approach to the thorny issue of crime fighting. Attorney General Adrian Nicholson and Peter Moses of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica are interviewed. Conrad Hamilton reports (03:37-08:37)4. European victory against America at the World Trade Organisation in a complaint back by Jamaica. Orin Gordon reports (08:38-10:24)5. Prime Minister Basdeo Panday of Trinidad and Tobago says he will call fresh elections if the courts remove two members of his government from the Parliament. Opposition Leader Patrick Manning and Prime Minister Basdeo Panday are interviewed. Tony Fraser reports (10:25-13:10)6. Belize is bracing Tropical Storm Chantal. Carlos Fuller of the National Emergency Centre is interviewed and Rosie Hayes reports (13:11-14:55)7. Controversial black Civil Rights Activist Reverend Al Sharpton wants to make a bid for the United States presidency (14:56-15:40)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 40 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationSmuggling -- GuyanaDrug legalization -- JamaicaCrime -- JamaicaCivil rights -- Trinidad and TobagoElections -- Trinidad and TobagoStorms -- BelizeVieques Island (P.R.)—History—Civil Disobedience, 1999-2001Presidents -- United StatesCivil rights workers -- United StatesCaribbean Report 20-08-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.