2009-06-152009-06-152009-06-15https://hdl.handle.net/2139/4684Colour: Sepia; Style: Portrait; Other: Bordered, DividedPhoto depicts a large buttressed tree, Dimorphandra sp., "sometime determined a D. Broadwayii" (Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad by R. O. Williams, p.6) with liane, commonly termed Rope Vine or Cable Creeper (Anodendron paniculatum) native to Tropical Asia, rambling over the tree and tangled at its roots. Children often use the vine as a natural swing. An East Indian man wearing a turban and dhoti (wrapped, short pants) looks at the tree and vine. Postcard No. i16054.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsTrees--Trinidad and TobagoClimbing plants--Trinidad and TobagoLianas--Trinidad and TobagoTropical plants--Trinidad and TobagoEast Indians--Trinidad and TobagoEthnic costume--IndiaMen--Trinidad and TobagoTurbans--IndiaClothing and dress--Trinidad and Tobago[1907]Rope Tree, Trinidad, B.W.I.Image