The University of the West IndiesWhitehorne, Pat (anchor ; interviewer)Morris, Alf (interviewee)Taylor, David (interviewee)Peterson, David (interviewee)Little, Cheryl (interviewee)Khan, Sharief (correspondent)Naseef, Phillip (interviewee)2014-07-242014-07-242014-07-24CAR0742 Alf Morris, the British Labour MP speaks to Pat Whitehorne. He views the scale of devastation in Montserrat as being comparable to the level of destruction in the Falklands after the war between Britain and Argentina in 1982. He notes that Montserrat is a first charge on the aid programme (00:00-02:53)2. David Taylor, British Governor of Montserrat agrees that the level of destruction in Montserrat is considerable with much reconstruction to be done. However he takes issue with Alf Morris’ view over his comparison of the Falklands with Montserrat. Pat Whitehorne reports (02:54-06:16)3. The five member Commonwealth Advance team which includes representatives from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, arrived in Guyana to discuss the electoral process with politicians and other key stakeholders. Team leader, David Peterson speaks to Sharief Khan on the meetings planned for the team’s visit (06:17-07:53)4. Concerns are very high about the future of the banana industry in Dominica. Mr. Phillip Naseef, Managing Director of Dominica’s Coconut Products says that diversification will not work (07:54-11:12)5. Cheryl Little, a lawyer of the Miami Haitian Refugee Centre believes that there is double standard with the way Haitian refugees are sent back to Haiti while Cuban refugees are given automatic political asylum (11:13-13:40)6. Pat Whitehorne ends broadcast (13:41-13:53)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit13 min. 53 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationHurricanes -- Monsterrat.Falkland Islands War, 1982.Disasters -- Monsterrat.MontserElections -- Guyana.Banana industry -- Dominica.Dominica -- economic aspects.Refugees -- Haiti.Refugees - Cuba.Asylum, right of -- Haiti.Commonwealth Advance Team -- Guyana elections.Dominica Coconut Products.Miami Haitian Refugee CentreCaribbean Report 30-04-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.