UnknownThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago2015-09-212015-09-216-Jul-51"Crowds Brave Weather to Give TASPO Big Send-Off." Evening News. 6 Jul. 1951: 1. Print.https://hdl.handle.net/2139/40838Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra (TASPO) was given a terrific send-off by hundreds of friends, relatives and well-wishers that braved inclement weather to see them realise the "Operation Britain" dream. Some of TASPO members commented on their hope and aspirations for this trip.©Trinidad Evening News Newspapers. This material is protected under Copyright Act of Trinidad and Tobago. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research.Steel bands (Music) -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel band music -- Great BritainMusicians -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel band music -- Trinidad and TobagoTrinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra -- HistoryCrowds Brave Weather to Give TASPO Big Send-Off