Joseph, TerryThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago2013-10-112013-10-118-Feb-99Joseph, Terry. "Panmen Get Own Road March." Express. 8 Feb. 1999: 7. Print. Trinbago decides to have its own Road March competition for steelpan. This decision comes on the heels of the disagreement between Pan Trinbago and the National Carnival Bands Association. Pan Trinbago's President Patrick Arnold said that the idea to organize this type of competition originated from Lord Kitchener whose calypso tributes to the steelpan are legendary.7This material is protected under Copyright Act of Trinidad and Tobago. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. For persons wishing reproductions or to re-publish articles, kindly consult the relevant newspaper publishers.Pan Trinbago (Organization)Steel bands (Music) -- Administration -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel bands (Music) -- Competitions -- Trinidad and TobagoPanmen Get Own Road March