Newton, Earle H.2022-01-182022-01-18365 importation into developing countries of theories and models of educational administration used in developed nations appears untenable for several reasons, according to a review of the literature in light of issues raised by T. Greenfield. The field of educational administration in developing countries remains incompletely defined, making it difficult to assess the applicability of any theories or models. To finalize a definition, developing countries must identify their national goals, determine how education can play a role in achieving those goals, and then create administrative structures and administrator training programmes that are suited to these educational ends. The qualifications for administrators must be established and programmes devised to provide appropriate training in technical, human relations, and conceptual and analytic areas. Elementary research will be required to determine the current status of programmes so that appropriate plans for change can be madeEducational administratorsCritical issues in the professional preparation and development of educational administrators in developing areas