UnknownThe University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago2015-09-212015-09-2110-Jan-73"Bread and Steelbands." Trinidad Guardian. 10 Jan. 1973: 10. Print.https://hdl.handle.net/2139/40424A National Consultation on Steelband on January 29th to 31st will provide opportunity for persons involved in the propagation of the national art form to air their views and put forward constructive proposals on the way it should go. It is aimed at arriving at consensus on an action programme while providing its practitioners with employment opportunities. Also, the urgent need for steps to protect the steelbandsmen from exploitation and the exploitation of the steelband for the benefit of the country.©Trinidad Guardian Newspapers. This material is protected under Copyright Act of Trinidad and Tobago. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research.Steel bands (Music) -- Administration -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel band music -- Trinidad and TobagoSteel bands (Music) -- Trinidad and Tobago -- HistoryBread and Steelbands