The University of the West IndiesCockland, Geraldine (anchor)Edwards, Raymond (correspondent)Townsend, Lyle (interviewee)Shah, Raffique (interviewee)Manning, Patrick (interviewee)Norton, Michael (correspondent)Smith, Colin (correspondent)Niles, Bertram (anchor)Walker, Andrew (correspondent)2017-05-122017-05-122001-08-29CAR3440 Headlines (00:00-00:32)2. Trinidad and Tobago's Opposition Leader Patrick Manning says the Prime Minister Basdeo Panday is going in the wrong direction by heading on a campaign trail. Lyle Townsend and Raffique Shah of the Trade Union Movement and Patrick Manning are interviewed. Raymond Edwards reports (00:33-05:36)3. Arrest in Haiti's first peaceful protest against the Aristide government. Michael Norton reports (05:37-08:18)4. In Guyana, an independent pathologist has been granted permission to resume an autopsy on three men shot two weeks ago by security forces in disputed circumstances. Colin Smith reports (08:19-10:30)5. Jamaica's Foreign Trade Minister Anthony Hylton is off to Mexico to seek common ground in global trade relations. Bertrand Niles reports (10:31-11:59)6. New figures for the United States economy show that economic growth in the second quarter of the year slowed to close to zero. Andrew Walker reports (12:00-13:32)7. In Suriname, police have arrested a local thirty-seven old man for allegedly forcing six women from the Dominican Republic to work as prostitutes at a brothel. A British scientific magazine has named the Dominican Republic as one of the country's where birth effects are resulting from the use of cheap ulcer drug Misoprostol to carry out cladestined abortions (13:33-15:14)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 14 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCorruption -- Trinidad and TobagoLabor unions -- Trinidad and TobagoElections -- Trinidad and TobagoDemonstrations -- Trinidad and TobagoPolice brutality -- GuyanaInternational tradeRecessions -- Caribbean AreaProstitution -- Dominican RepublicAbortion -- Dominican RepublicCaribbean Report 29-08-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.